Monday, September 29, 2008

Um, ja....hi me

Yo Jay,

If there is one person you should be completely honest with it’s yourself, so…’re lazy- but you know that and you’ve been told it a million times by teachers, parents, student councillors and even your friends. Thing is, at Rhodes you’ll have to find a way to motivate yourself because no one else is going to, not even the wrath of your mother can be incurred upon you from 1400 kilometres away, and the trend in your life has been the older you get, the less push you get from others and the lower your marks end up being.
Attend as many lectures as you can(which you don’t do currently) and think of them as a social period, that’s where you are going to meet people and, just like class, you can screw around most of the time while still taking something in. As king of procrastination it is very important that from day one you develop a habit of doing work before time, I’m even writing this letter late so it won’t be easy, maybe you should get a really uptight girl involved in your life- it worked in primary school. Also stay away from DC! It’s a program that allows you to download different movies and types of music and it will be the end of you- it won’t be your social life that suffers, you know you would never let that happen!
Its important that you realise weekends are not exclusively free or sport time and sure, recover from your hangover on Saturday but do a little bit on Sunday, it’ll make your life so much easier. Just think of that weekend with Suki, it started a long line of failures in for Ms Cerisier that you were lucky to crawl out of.
Party hard but you don’t want to find out what repeating a subject is like and that’s one thing I have to look forward to so don’t make the same mistake.

From your older self


Anonymous said...

...LOVE the dog!!!

Berry said...

Hi Jay
Great letter :)

Anonymous said...

A lovely letter indeed. However, might I suggest removing the reference to a particular file sharing network? I know of at least one person who has been banned from said network for a similar transgression.

"If you do something *really* stupid you might get banned from connecting. Don't do really stupid things."
-- !rules