Friday, September 26, 2008

Dear eager past version of me

Dear eager past version of me

I know how excited you are to finally be going to university: I was too! The feeling of gaining your freedom is amazing – there is nothing like it. Before you leave home I want you to eat as much of mom’s food as you can. Spend time with our sister and everyone else in our family, because you don’t realise how much you are going to miss them.

This year is going to be filled with new people and experiences; I can’t even remember them all! But I know you are a strong-willed person and won’t compromise yourself for anyone, you will be fine.

There is one thing I want to warn you about though: please get enough sleep! The many assignments, practicals, tests and tutorials (a weekly gathering of a smaller group of people from your lecture. You have an assignment each week for each subject- a bummer I know, but vitally important) will take time. I know you will be tempted to leave these tedious tasks until an hour before bed time, but don’t! It’s not worth it. Yes, the assignments will get done in time, but the next day you will be really tired. Your Monday early morning lecture will become your nap time and your alarm will magically go off some mornings without waking you up.

This is not a good thing.

Missing lectures because you are tired is no excuse. I want to see you going to bed at a decent hour every night and not leaving your assignments until the last minute. I have found through my experience this year that doing your work when you get it is the best way to go. You might feel like going out instead, but take it from me as I know you best of all: it’s not worth the sleep loss.

Be good!
Love Me


Anonymous said...

Sleeping through lectures has been one of my biggest problems this year too. Its crazy how much university life takes out of you and the freedom it gives you allows you to abuse any kind of responsibility you once had. I like that you also concentrated on the changes in the beginning of your letter; my letter focuses on just that, maybe a bit more because I have had difficulty dealing with the adjustment and going to lectures has been one of those adjustments. I really could have used a letter like this last year, preparing me for the difficulties that I was going to experience, but like I said in my letter the best way to understand these changes is through the experience of it all. The best we can do now for our past selves and people alike is give them a little bit of guidance. Check out my letter!


Anonymous said...

Pink Monkey's Mom says....
At last you have learnt the lesson I have been trying to teach you for the last 12 years!!! Don't put off doing your work until the last minute...something is always bound to happen and you end up working into the wee hours of the morning trying to complete your assignments.
Now......if only there is some way to teach you how to pick up your wet towel off the floor!!!! Ha Ha.